
Welcome fellow foodie! I’m glad you’ve found my blog. I suppose you can say that this site has been a long time coming. I’m a self-taught home baker and chef. I’m a professional (food) photographer. I’m a lover of flavor. I’m a collector of spices.

When the Great COVID-19 Pandemic of 2020 started, I can honestly say that our eating habits didn’t change much. Sure, like most people I love eating out, but I also love being in my kitchen. Instead of lamenting the restaurants I couldn’t visit, I headed for the fridge.

To pass the quarantine time, I decided to post snaps of our daily eats to my social feeds. I can cook and bake, but I’m not a food stylist. I can recognize a gorgeous plate, but building a pretty plate doesn’t come naturally to me. When I’m working, I usually have a team of talented chefs and stylists. So going social with what I was whipping up was a real stretch for me. Next thing I knew, friends and family alike were asking, “Do you have a recipe for…?”

Everyone has been very supportive and are regularly encouraging me to write a (quarantine) cookbook. Well, I am still on the fence about writing a cookbook–you might say that I’m noodling on it–but I did decide that a blog is a great way to share what I love…FOOD!

I come from a long line of eaters. I have joked for years that my family only likes to celebrate the “eating holidays.” If there is food involved, we’ll be there.

So here I am, mid-pandemic, still noshing my way through uncertain times. I may not be out exploring Portland’s amazing food scene right now, but I find it fun to push myself as a home baker and chef. Each technique and recipe I try is a new adventure, and you are invited to share my journey.