Cakes & Pastries

Cakes & Pastries, Desserts

French King Cake (Galette des Rois)

The French King Cake (Galette des Rois) is traditionally served in celebration of the Epiphany–the day the Three Kings visited baby Jesus. It is commonly found at French bakeries throughout the month of January. However, this version is so easy to make, you can enjoy it anytime of year. Even better, it can be made ahead and baked later in the day when you are closer to serving time.

Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Recipes

Crazy Easy Butter Pie Crust

Everyone loves a flakey pie crust, however, it isn’t always easy to achieve. Most recipes yield a dough that is tough, dry and difficult to work with. The frustration sends most people to the grocery store in search of pre-made. This recipe is easy to make, pliable to work with and will have you thinking twice about ever buying store-bought dough again!

Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Recipes

Chocolate Pomegranate Parfaits

These parfaits are a reinvention of the Black Forest Gateaux. In this deconstructed version, pomegranate replaces cherry and the super dark chocolate cake has been lightened to complement the new fruit. Sweet cream rounds out the flavor, which is sure to be a new favorite in your house!